The Barefoot Mission

The Barefoot Mission: To spread sublimity through feet-awareness. If you've never felt your feet on the ground - and I mean to really have felt your bare toes on the hot pavement - if you've never felt your feet on the ground, then how will you know that you've lifted off the ground when you reach for the sublime?

Barefoot Walk Playlists

The music you listen to while walking barefoot is an essential part of what makes your experience sublime. You'll rarely see me walking around without my ipod because I feel that music is necessary when I'm trying to disconnect from the world and look into myself. Notice that a barefoot walk is the combination of opposites: while I attempt to focus my mind and disconnect it from the distractions of my environment, I am simultaneously connected to everything around me by necessity through my feet (see post "Barefoot Dancing the Sublime," 11.8.2010). When I am walking barefoot, I design playlists with the specific intention of instilling "strong and inspired emotion", as described by the ancient Greek philosopher Longinus, in hopes of coloring my thoughts and directing them to the sublime.